Hungarian Doctors Call Gratitude Money Necessary

  • 17 Aug 2010 4:00 AM
Hungarian Doctors Call Gratitude Money Necessary
"A majority of Hungarian doctors, 57%, regard hálapénz – so-called gratitude money, or unofficial payments by patients for treatment – as necessary in the present health care system, according to a survey by Szinapszis.

Doctors argue that their salaries are low and 6% believe that the state prefers to let patients pay doctors than to take on the expense itself.

About 43% consider the gratitude money humiliating, and 17% are firmly against it.

Some 81% of doctors accept the hálapénz offered, but not in all cases, with the decision depending 70% on the social background of the patient and 30% on the illness.

Only 10% of doctors never take gratitude money, according to the survey.

There is no significant difference of views between family doctors and those working in clinics and hospitals.

Among doctors, 36% believe that patients are genuinely expressing gratitude with the money, 30% regard it as an effort to purchase advantages, and 20% believe that paying patients do not think that they can get proper treatment without a bribe."

Source: Hungary Around the Clock.

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