Majority Of Hungarian Urban Youth Will Not Move Out

  • 5 Nov 2013 8:00 AM
Majority Of Hungarian Urban Youth Will Not Move Out
Although Hungarian youth are more optimistic about their opportunities for self-expression, they are still pessimistic about financial stability and their separateness. According a K&H survey, young people are slightly more positive regarding their job opportunities than they were a couple of months ago but they are still insecure about issues related to their separateness.

Statistics portray that less than half of those aged 19–29 were able to move out of their parents’ home and only 19 per cent of them own a flat. Although more than 33 per cent are satisfied with where they live, only 13 per cent are planning to buy property in the next three years while 24 per cent of them say they might buy one. Almost 50 per cent of those participating in the survey say that these conditions will not change in the next four years.

Their pessimism seemed to continue when their financial condition was under scope as only 10 per cent were fully satisfied with it and 63 per cent are expecting improvements on this field. Compared to East-Hungary’s 25 per cent, 38 per cent of the West-Hungarian youth is more optimistic about rise in the salary over the inflation.

Source: ORIGO

By Christian Keszthelyi for

Proofread by Írj Jól Szolgáltató Kft

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