Áder: Anniversary Of Hungary’s Freedom Celebrated In 2015

  • 5 Jan 2015 8:00 AM
Áder: Anniversary Of Hungary’s Freedom Celebrated In 2015
With New Year’s Day in 2015 the 25th anniversary of a free, independent and democratic Hungary is also celebrated, which has emerged from our dreams, Hungary’s President János Áder said in his New Year’s TV address.

Thanks to the efforts and joint perseverance of 25 years ago the post-1990 generation no longer had to experience life in a country that was separated from western Europe by the Iron Curtain.

Twenty-five years ago Hungarians embarked on a new era long-awaited by millions: the era of freedom. “1990 is one of the most important milestones of our thousand year history,” he said.

The president urged Hungarians to respect one another and each other’s achievements on every day of the New Year. He urged everyone to make a resolution to respect in each other what is human, and “what is Hungarian”.

Source www.hungarymatters.hu

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