Szijjártó: Terrorists Pose Greatest Security Challenge

  • 15 May 2016 9:00 AM
Szijjártó: Terrorists Pose Greatest Security Challenge
The constantly strengthening global network of terrorist organisations poses the greatest security challenge in the world today, Foreign Minister Peter Szijjártó told public news channel M1. Referring to his address to the recent United Nations General Assembly session, Szijjártó said Europe’s security had deteriorated recently and Europeans had gained first-hand experience of terrorism.

Whereas the Islamic State terrorist organisation is often cited as the source of this threat, there are many other serious terrorist organisations threatening the world, he added.

The UN should prioritise fighting international terrorist organisations more effectively, Szijjártó said, noting the role of prevention and peacekeeping.

The UN will soon have a new secretary-general who should implement such reforms, he added. The migration crisis was a key item on the UN General Assembly’s agenda because “the security situation continues to be rather fragile” to Europe’s south and southeast, he said.

Up to 35 million people could easily decide to set off towards Europe, further deteriorating the security situation, Szijjártó insisted, adding that countries sheltering millions of refugees such as Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq’s Kurdistan region should receive greater help.

For over a year, Hungary has been proposing that the EU should handle the issue more comprehensively and from its own resources, he said.

Republished with permission of Hungary Matters, MTI’s daily newsletter.

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