Recipe Of The Week: Bean Soup With Smoked Sausage

  • 10 Jan 2022 11:44 AM
  • Hungary Today
Recipe Of The Week: Bean Soup With Smoked Sausage
Beans and smoked sausage are delicious staples in theirselves, but the two together offer an extraordinarily tasteful Hungarian culinary experience. Whether you prepare it at home in the kitchen or over an open fire, in an open-air setting – the result is guaranteed to be delicious!

Calculate with one our soaking time for the beans, 15 to 20 minutes for preparation and 1 1/2 – 2 hours for cooking until the meal can be enjoyed – the below recipe serves 4 to 6 people. Enjoy.


1/2 lb. dried pinto beans 1 medium onion, chopped (about 1 c.)
2 medium carrots
2 medium parsnips
2 tbsp. vegetable oil
1 1/2tsp. paprika
1 or 2 bay leaves
1 tsp. salt
2 tbsp. flour
5 c. water
1/2 lb. smoked sausage, cut into 1/4-inch pieces
1 1/2 tsp. white vinegar
1/2 c. sour cream


In a colander, rinse beans well under cold water and let drain. Place beans in a medium saucepan, with enough water to cover. Bring beans to a boil and boil 2 minutes. Remove pan from heat, cover, and let stand 1 hour to soak beans.
Peel and chop onion. Peel carrots and parsnips and cut into thin 3-inch-long slices.

Drain beans in a colander.

In a kettle, heat oil over medium heat for 1 minute. Add onion and sauté until transparent. Add beans, paprika, bay leaves, salt, carrot, and parsnip to kettle, sprinkle with flour and stir well. Add water and stir. Cover and simmer over low heat for 30 to 45 minutes.

Add sausage. Cook 55 to 60 minutes more until beans are tender.

Just before serving, add vinegar and stir. Place 1 c. of hot soup in a small bowl, add sour cream, and stir until smooth. Add sour cream mixture to kettle and stir well. Serve hot.

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