Two-Tailed Dog Party Holds Alternative Peace March

  • 19 Mar 2018 9:30 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Two-Tailed Dog Party Holds Alternative Peace March
The satirical Two-Tailed Dog Party on Thursday held an alternative Peace March in Budapest, aping the official pro-government event. Marching from Oktogon in downtown Budapest, the party’s leader Gergely Kovács called for “the abolition of space relations” and “the censorship of freedom and the abolition of the press”.

Thousands of participants, many in costume, were accompanied by a police escort through central areas of the capital. Signs such as “The stadium builders are happy” were held up mocking the government and its politicians.

Referring to the prime minister, the crowd chanted “Viktor the King”. Mocking the government’s attack on UN migration policy, they also announced that they would send a declaration of war to the United Nations.

MTI Photo: Illyés Tibor

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