More Than 80% Of Hungarian Workers Feel Their Job Is Stable

  • 7 Feb 2019 8:20 AM
  • Hungary Matters
More Than 80% Of Hungarian Workers Feel Their Job Is Stable
About 82% of Hungarian workers feel their current job will remain stable for more than five years, according to a representative survey by insurer BNP Paribas Cardif and Medián, conducted in December 2018 and sent to MTI on Wednesday. The survey is based on interviews with 1,200 people.

The labour market stability index of BNP Paribas fell 1 point from the same period of 2017 and 3 points from the previous quarter to 68 points in December.

Answering a question as to how much they trust that their job will survive, workers gave responses averaging 94 points compared to 91 points and 88 points in the previous two years. When workers were asked how secure they feel their own position, the index showed 92 points, up from 88 points measured in 2017 and 84 points in 2016.

The survey also shows a rising trend concerning the perceived chance of finding employment after losing the current job but there was some concern among employees who said their workplace would not last the next five years.

By sector, the survey showed a job stability index of 69 points in industry, construction and trade, 68 points in public administration and 67 points in farming. By age group, workers in their forties were slightly more optimistic than other generations.

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