PM Orbán Opens Festival Of Vocational Training Schools In Budapest

  • 13 Mar 2019 6:23 AM
  • Hungary Matters
PM Orbán Opens Festival Of Vocational Training Schools In Budapest
Hungary offers young people “a safe country and a secure future”, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said in a speech opening a festival for students in vocational training, at Budapest’s EXPO fair grounds.

The Szakma Sztár Festival, featuring the finals of competitions for students in vocational training, will run until March 14.

Orbán said that Hungary offers competitive vocational trainings for young people. Wages are growing dynamically, he said, in one of the safest countries in Europe.

“We do not have migrants or terrorist attacks  but do have work, home and security,” he said.

“Our youth are the country’s gold reserve,” Orbán said. He said that spending “some time” abroad can be beneficial but “your future is here”.

MTI Photo: Máthé Zoltán

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