Gala Program: 'Sundance', Hungarian Heritage House, 14 June

  • 6 Jun 2019 7:28 AM
Gala Program: 'Sundance', Hungarian Heritage House, 14 June
Joint Gala Program of LADO Croatian National Folk Ensemble and Hungarian State Folk Ensemble on 14 June at Hungarian Heritage House.

Following the joint event organized in Zagreb last year, the two ensembles continue to cooperate. This time, the two groups present a joint performance in connection with the 70th anniversary celebrated by LADO.

The performance consists of songs and dances of Croats across the borders, who have preserved their Croatian roots for centuries. The audience may experience songs and dances of Croats from Montenegro, Vojvodina, Austria, Hungary and Italy.

The new performance of the Hungarian State Folk Ensemble's is based on the life-work of Zoltán Kodály. The story unfolds from tiny elements of the life of an imaginary community, with the musical framework consisting of the compositions of Zoltán Kodály (and his contemporary, Béla Bartók), as well as folk songs collected by the composer.

During the scenes, we may experience the development and loss of human relationships, feelings of joy and sorrow, as well as rituals of day-to-day life and celebrations.

Ticket price: 
HUF 2500, HUF 3100, HUF 3900

Date and time:
14 June, 2019, 19:00

Hungarian Heritage House, Theater Hall
1011 Budapest, Corvin tér 8.

Source and tickets: Hungarian Heritage House

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