Demand For Building Plots In Hungary Falls, But Not Prices

  • 23 Nov 2020 1:47 PM
  • Budapest Business Journal
Demand For Building Plots In Hungary Falls, But Not Prices
Nationwide, the number of building plots sold fell, but the decline in demand was not accompanied by a fall in prices, writes Világgazdaság.

According to analysis by Otthon Centrum, prices rose across Hungary.

The most expensive plots in Budapest were in District XII.

In the third quarter, almost 10% fewer building plots were sold with the participation of Otthon Centrum than a year earlier.

In addition to the number of transactions, the average price also rose.

While in 2019 the average price of plots was HUF 15 million and the average price per sqm was HUF 15,000, by September of this year, the average value of plots had risen to HUF 23 mln, while the average price per sqm was just over HUF 16,000.

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