Opposition Democratic Coalition MEP Dobrev Using EU Money To Campaign Against Hungary

  • 16 Dec 2020 9:06 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Opposition Democratic Coalition MEP Dobrev Using EU Money To Campaign Against Hungary
Klára Dobrev, an opposition Democratic Coalition (DK) MEP, has been using EU money to produce campaign videos which mendaciously undermine Hungary’s good standing, the Fidesz-Christian-Democrat group in the European Parliament said in a statement.

The Fidesz-led EP group is turning to the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats to complain about Dobrev’s actions.

Besides using the EU funds to finance the videos, Dobrev, an EP vice-president, accepted money from pro-migration organisations to finance ads undermining Hungary, the statement said.

The ruling party MEPs said they want the S&D group to make clear publicly whether it approved of Dobrev making campaign videos which spread false information regarding the coronavirus epidemic in Hungary.

MTI Photo: Zoltán Máthé 

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