PM Orbán To Push For Quicker Covid Vaccine Rollout In EU Videoconference

  • 22 Jan 2021 7:13 AM
  • Hungary Matters
PM Orbán To Push For Quicker Covid Vaccine Rollout In EU Videoconference
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán will push for speeding up the rollout of Covid-19 vaccines when he takes part in a videoconference of EU leaders discussing the pandemic, his press chief has said.

More and more member states are complaining of the slow rollout of vaccines, Bertalani Havasi told MTI after the start of the summit, adding, however, that Hungary “is not going to wait for Brussels”.

Hungary is in talks with several vaccine manufacturers, and the country is on the verge of adding the UK’s Oxford/AstraZeneca and Russia’s Sputnik V jabs to its vaccine arsenal, he said.

Havasi added that talks and expert inspections concerning the Chinese vaccine were also looking promising.

Mass vaccinations using safe and effective vaccines are the only way for restrictions aimed at curbing the spread of coronavirus to be lifted within the foreseeable future, Havasi said.

MTI Photo: Vivien Cher Benko

Related links

Watch: Hungary Starts Direct Vaccine Negotiations, Against EU's Wishes

Watch: Hungary Approves Oxford & Sputnik V Covid Jabs

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