Hungarian Opposition DK To Hand Out 20,000 Masks In Budapest

  • 28 Apr 2020 7:51 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Hungarian Opposition DK To Hand Out 20,000 Masks In Budapest
Politicians and activists of the opposition Democratic Coalition (DK) party will distribute 20,000 face masks in Budapest, Erzsébet Gy Németh, a party lawmaker serving as deputy mayor of the capital city, said.

The municipality has made the use of face masks compulsory for passengers using public transport, as well as in shops, banks and pharmacies compulsory as of Monday.

Wearing a mask is crucial for residents in protecting one another against coronavirus infection, the deputy mayor said.

Despite experts voicing caution, the government has still not ensured a supply of masks to citizens, she said.

MTI Photo: Zoltán Balogh

Related links

Free Face Masks Provided To Budapest Public Transportation Passengers

Face Covering Obligatory On Public Transport In Budapest From 27 April

Face Masks Mandatory In Budapest Shops, Markets & Taxis

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