PM Orbán: China Jab To Accelerate Vaccinations

  • 13 Feb 2021 8:35 AM
  • Hungary Matters
PM Orbán: China Jab To Accelerate Vaccinations
If Hungary can begin using China's Covid-19 vaccine then all those who have registered for a shot can be inoculated by Easter, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said.

In his regular interview to public broadcaster Kossuth Radio, Orbán said it was “good news” that some 700,000 people in Hungary are now protected against Covid-19, with 310,000 having received their first shots and 383,000 who are confirmed to have recovered from the disease.

He noted, however, that the decline in new daily cases has come to a halt, with 99 deaths and 1,860 new infections recorded on Thursday. A total of 3,828 people are hospitalised with Covid-19, 299 of them on a ventilator.

“The rules must remain in place,” the prime minister said. Orbán attributed Hungary’s recent rise in cases to the spread of the UK variant of the virus.

He added, at the same time, that Hungary did not need to impose further restrictions to combat the epidemic, saying that the country now had enough vaccines to offset the rise in cases.

Orbán said that if Hungary could start vaccinating people with China’s Sinopharm jab, which he said would happen soon, all 2,448,000 people who have registered for a Covid shot could be inoculated by Easter.

MTI Photo

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Hungary Matters

Launched in January 2014, this newsletter published on week days covers 'everything you need to know about what’s going on in Hungary and beyond', according to its publisher the state media agency MTI.

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