Electric Car Purchases To Get More Support By Gov't

  • 7 May 2021 10:01 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Electric Car Purchases To Get More Support By Gov't
Hungary’s government is once again inviting tenders for grants to promote electric car purchases by private individuals and companies, a senior official of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology said on Thursday.

State Secretary Tamás Schanda noted at a press conference that last year the government awarded grants totalling 6 billion forints (EUR 16.7m) to help 1,712 bidders buy 2,053 vehicles.

Demand fully reached the limit within 36 hours of the scheme’s opening, he added.

The government continued to implement its Climate and Environment Protection Action Plan, even during the coronavirus pandemic, to make Hungary a climate-neutral, clean country without imposing burdens on the population, Schanda said.

“We will attain these aims without rising food prices or household utility fees,” he said.

Government Spokesperson Alexandra Szentkirályi said that Hungary is earmarking large amounts of EU recovery funds for environmental protection and promoting the circular economy and e-mobility.

MTI Photo: Attila Balázs

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Launched in January 2014, this newsletter published on week days covers 'everything you need to know about what’s going on in Hungary and beyond', according to its publisher the state media agency MTI.

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