S Korea President Moon Pays Tribute to Danube Ship Collision Victims

  • 4 Nov 2021 7:13 AM
  • Hungary Matters
S Korea President Moon Pays Tribute to Danube Ship Collision Victims
South Korean President Moon Jae-in paid tribute to the victims of the deadly boat collision on the River Danube which took the lives of many South Korean tourists in May 2019 at the memorial of the disaster in Budapest late on Tuesday.

The Viking Sigyn cruise ship collided with the Hableány sightseeing boat which had 33 South Korean tourists on board and a crew of two Hungarians.

Seven tourists were rescued from the water after the collision and the rest died. One of the bodies has not been recovered.

Moon, who arrived for an official visit to Hungary on Tuesday, was joined at the memorial at Margaret Bridge by Finance Minister Mihály Varga.

A group of Korean nationals residing in Hungary was also present and greeted Moon and his wife.

The Ukrainian captain of the Viking Sigyn was charged with fatal negligence and failing to provide assistance to persons in danger in connection with the collision in November 2019.

MTI Photo: Zoltán Balogh

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