Covid Update: Hungary Records 139 Coronavirus Deaths, 3,359 New Infections

  • 22 Dec 2021 9:42 AM
Covid Update: Hungary Records 139 Coronavirus Deaths, 3,359 New Infections
Altogether 139 patients died of a Covid-related illness during the past 24 hours, while 3,359 new coronavirus infections were registered, said on Wednesday.

So far 6,239,410 people have received a first jab, while 5,951,491 have been fully vaccinated. Altogether 3,124,497 Hungarians have received a booster jab.

The number of active infections stands at 135,217, while hospitals are treating 5,159 Covid-19 patients, 464 of whom need respiratory assistance.

Since the first outbreak, 1,233,744 infections have been registered, while the number of fatalities has risen to 38,167.

Fully 1,060,360 people have made a recovery.

There are 31,081people in official quarantine, while the number of tests taken stands at 9,037,023.

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