Hungary's Health-Care System Prepared for Potential Next Wave, Says Health Official

  • 29 Dec 2021 9:20 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Hungary's Health-Care System Prepared for Potential Next Wave, Says Health Official
Hungary’s health-care system is prepared to handle a potential next wave of the coronavirus pandemic, and there are sufficient quantities of vaccines available, a government official said on Tuesday.

Csaba Dömötör, parliamentary secretary of the Prime Minister’s Office, told public news channel M1 that developments connected to the new Omicron variant were constantly being monitored.

Epidemic protection measures are determined by circumstances such as whether enough protective equipment is available and health-care capacities.

Hospital capacity, he said, was now sufficient and there were significant reserves, too. Only vaccination, however, offered an effective solution in combatting the epidemic, he added.

Dömötör welcomed that over 6 million Hungarians have been vaccinated, including over 3 million who have received their booster shots.

Future restrictions can be avoided if the number of vaccinated further increases, he said.

Related links

Another 46 Cases of Omicron Variant Identified in Hungary

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