Spyware Scandal: Hungarian Justice Minister Refuses to Meet EP Pegasus Committee

  • 20 Feb 2023 8:29 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Spyware Scandal: Hungarian Justice Minister Refuses to Meet EP Pegasus Committee
Justice Minister Judit Varga will not meet members of the European Parliament’s Pegasus committee during their visit to Budapest next week, opposition Democratic Coalition’s MEP Sándor Rónai said.

Rónai told an online press conference that the committee was scheduled to investigate “the illegal use of spyware by the Orbán government” during its visit on Monday and Tuesday.

Despite the cabinet’s claims that it had nothing to do with the Pegasus scandal in July 2021, Varga has now “practically made a confession”, said Rónai, who acts as a vice president of the committee.

The justice minister said she rejected meeting the delegation because national security affairs were the member states’ competency and the EU had no business with them, Rónai said.

“However, Judit Varga is obviously afraid of getting caught and giving such an excuse equals to a confession, which shows that the government has indeed illegally wiretapped innocent Hungarians”, he added.

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