Strategic Agreement With Health-Care Advocacy Groups in Hungary Signed by Interior Ministry

  • 26 Jun 2023 8:53 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Strategic Agreement With Health-Care Advocacy Groups in Hungary Signed by Interior Ministry
Péter Takács, the interior ministry’s state secretary for health care, signed a strategic agreement with representatives of advocacy groups.

“We are looking for ways to provide the highest possible financial and moral compensation for health specialists,” the state secretary said.

“It’s not enough to have good ideas; those need to be made a reality in cooperation with the stakeholders.”

Takács said the advocacy groups were “tough negotiators, but all the more constructive”.

“The agreement will serve as a solid foundation enabling us to fight shoulder to shoulder for modern health care with a human face,” he said.

The agreement was signed by Ágnes Cser, head of health-care and social workers’ union MSZEDDSZ, Zoltán Balogh, head of the Hungarian Chamber of Health-care Workers, and Lajos Toma, head of the Independent Trade Union of Ambulance Workers.

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