Jailed Antifa Activist to Be Released on Bail - But She Must Stay in Budapest Under ‘Criminal Supervision’

  • 16 May 2024 7:04 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Jailed Antifa Activist to Be Released on Bail - But She Must Stay in Budapest Under ‘Criminal Supervision’
A Budapest appeals court ruled on Wednesday to release the primary defendant in the “antifa case” into criminal supervision on bail of 16 million forints (EUR 42,000), the court said in a statement.

Proceedings are under way against the defendant for attempted bodily harm committed in a criminal gang.

She has been in detention since February 11 following her involvement in attacks against participants of a far right event in Budapest.

In line with the ruling, the bail must be deposited within three months and after that she must stay in a Budapest property under criminal supervision.

MTI Photo


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