Festivals in Hungary Are "Vital" to Economy

  • 4 Oct 2024 9:45 AM
Festivals in Hungary Are "Vital" to Economy
Csaba Latorcai, a state secretary at the Public Administration and Regional Development Ministry, said festivals were "vital" to the economy, considering their impact on the tourism sector, as well as for society, addressing a conference organised by the Hungarian Tourism Programme Foundation.

Latorcai noted that the tourism sector accounted for over 13pc of GDP.

Latorcai said festivals, that could mobilise "hundreds of thousands" of people, gave a genuine competitive advantage to the settlements and regions that hosted them, which is why they had become an important element of regional development policy.

He noted that the tourism sector accounted for over 13pc of GDP.

Mate Vincze, the deputy state secretary for public collections and cultural developments at the Culture and Innovation Ministry, said museums had moved beyond their four walls to play a role at festivals, too, boosting their exposure.

The biggest festival industry insiders are participating at the conference dubbed "Event ReStart".

EU Presidency - Official: Improving access to culture among priorities of Hungarian presidency

Improving access to culture and emphasizing its key role in society are among the top priorities of the Hungarian presidency of the European Union, an official of the ministry of culture and innovation said.

Deputy state secretary in charge of cultural diplomacy Gabor Csaba said the EU presidency offered an exceptional opportunity to present Hungary's "cultural excellence" and the rich Hungarian cultural heritage. During the six months, the Hungarian presidency organises around a hundred events only in Brussels, he added.

He also said that Hungary was determined that by the end of the presidency the Council should approve some conclusions that focus on improving and promoting access to culture. This also means that no matter where they live, whether in a big city or in the countryside, young people should have equal chances for accessing quality culture, he said.

The Hungarian presidency also pays special emphasis on people living with disabilities in terms of improving their access to culture, he added.

"It is very important to level the playing field in this competitive situation," he said.

It is in everybody's interest that such differences should disappear or decrease as much as possible, he added.

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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