Recipe Of The Week: Cold Fruit Soup

  • 18 Apr 2020 5:50 AM
Recipe Of The Week: Cold Fruit Soup
Cold fruit soup may sound like a dessert, but it is not (although sometimes it can be) - it is a dish you can have any time of the year, for lunch or dinner as a soup - but since it is usually served cold, best to eat during the warm weather.

1 lb fresh or frozen pitted sour cherries
1 1/2 quarts water
1 cup sour cream
2-3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
3/4 cup granulated sugar

Decoration: whip cream, fresh cherries, slice of lemon, or peppermint leaves.


We’ll give you the basics, and you can take it from there, according to your own palate.

Bring 1 1/2 quarts of water to boil, and add sour cherries and granulated sugar. Stir and cook. In a separate bowl mix flour and sour cream; stir until smooth. Add cold water to make it runny enough to pour into boiling hot soup. Stir well and simmer for 5 or 6 minutes, until it thickens. Cover the soup and let cool.

Serve cold.


Cook a 1-inch stick of cinnamon with the cherries.
Stir in 1 package of vanilla or fruit pudding powder.
Substitute sweet cream for the sour cream.
Add a little sherry or red wine.
Add 1/4 teaspoon imitation rum extract.
Add 1/8 teaspoon vanilla extract.
Add a few cloves.
Grate some lemon peel into the soup.
Replace cherries with, or add apples, raspberries, blackcurrants, rhubarb, or gooseberries.

NOTE: You can add an extra tablespoon of flour to thicken more, and serve it as a main course, with deep fried or grilled lean meat on the side. Maybe even some mashed potatoes.


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