Hungary to Launch Cooperation with Chad in Several Strategic Areas

  • 11 Dec 2023 8:43 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Hungary to Launch Cooperation with Chad in Several Strategic Areas
Hungary and Chad are launching comprehensive cooperation in areas covering security, the economy, humanitarian issues and education, the foreign minister said in N’Djamena.

The cooperation programme will cover several strategic areas, Péter Szijjártó told a joint press conference held with counterpart Mahamat Saleh Annadif.

Security is the basis for economic development and social stability, and Hungary is ready to contribute to Chad’s efforts to guarantee security in the Sahel — which is highly important for Europe — in an effort to bring about successful counter-terrorism endeavours, he said.

With parliament’s approval, Hungary is preparing to send as many as 200 soldiers to Chad next year for this purpose, he added. “The concrete form of this military cooperation will depend on the decision of your government and your parliament,” he said.

Commenting on other areas of cooperation, he said, the government supports investments by Hungarian companies in three areas that are important to Chad, including safe water supplies, agricultural modernisation and the digitalisation of the economy.

Under the arrangements of humanitarian cooperation, Hungary has sent and will continue to send medical missions to Chad, contributing to services offered to around one million refugees staying in the country.

Additionally, 25 students from Chad will have a chance to study at Hungarian universities with scholarship, he said.

Szijjártó Calls for Cooperation to Support Stability in Africa

The support of European countries is greatly needed to ensure Africa’s stability, Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó said after talks with Ugandan counterpart Jeje Odongo Abubakar in Kampala.

 At a joint press conference, Szijjártó said the security of Europe and Africa was interdependent, adding that Hungary was active in participating in such efforts. Szijjártó said some of Europe’s security challenges “cannot be resolved without Africa”.

Countries such as Uganda could “slow down migration and ensure stability in the region”, he said, but those countries needed support.

Uganda has accommodated some 1.5 million refugees, while the Hungarian government has built three schools for the largest refugee camp in the country, helped with modernising Uganda’s public administration system, set up a mobile health centre and refurbished a cardiology hospital, as well as creating a cybersecurity centre to protect Uganda’s financial sector, Szijjártó said.

The Hungarian government is also ready to help with services to refugees, improve drinking water supply, and develop Uganda’s agriculture, he added. Referring to the global impact of the war in Ukraine, Szijjártó said: “It is clear that soaring inflation and worsening food security is having an impact on those who are in no way responsible for the conflict, whether Hungary or Africa”.

He said: “The global majority strives for peace … we may be a minority in Europe and in the Transatlantic region, but we belong to that global majority.”

Szijjártó: Hungary Completes 'Largest Ever' Economic Development Scheme in Africa

The Hungarian government has completed its “largest economic development programme in Africa ever” in Uganda, Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó said in Kampala.

As part of the programme, Hungary has helped reinforce Uganda’s financial sector against cyberattacks, Szijjártó said. Speaking at the inauguration of a cybersecurity project, financed from 1.5 billion forints (EUR 3.9m) of tied aid and implemented by a Hungarian company, the minister said it was designed to increase cyber security capacities and reinforce the system of mobile payments there.

He said the programme served to increase Africa’s security, adding that “Europe’s security largely depends on that of Africa”. He added that cybersecurity was a crucial component of physical security.

“Uganda’s security and stability are in the interest of Europe and Hungary, with special regard to the fact that Uganda accommodates the largest number of refugees in Africa … that country is an important pillar of regional security and stability,” he said, warning that compromising that stability could trigger further waves of migration impacting Europe.

To reduce the pressure of illegal migration “we need to create a situation in which locals are helped to stay in their homeland and aid is delivered at the source of the problem,” he said.

“Uganda can continue to rely on Hungary in terms of preserving its stability and security,” the minister said.

Szijjártó said the increasing significance of the digital space went hand in hand with an increase in the number and size of cyberattacks “not only targeting the devices of private individuals but jobs, power grids, transport, hospitals, and government agencies … with a special focus on the financial and banking sector.”

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