New Movie Industry Pact Signed Between Hungary & Chinese Film Administration

  • 13 May 2024 5:23 AM
  • Hungary Matters
New Movie Industry Pact Signed Between Hungary & Chinese Film Administration
Csaba Káel, government commissioner in charge of the Hungarian film industry, and Mao Yu, head of the China Film Administration, signed a comprehensive agreement on film industry cooperation between Hungary and China, Hungary’s National Film Institute (NFI) said.

The agreement aims to promote professional cooperation in the film industry and pave the way for joint productions, NFI said in a statement. It also extends to film industry training and mutual promotion of Hungarian and Chinese films, the statement added.

NFI said China was one of the world’s few film distribution markets where local productions outgross American blockbusters at the box office.

China’s film industry, they said, was in its “third heyday”, adding that both countries’ governments considered the film industry a strategic sector.

The statement quoted Kael as saying that Hungary was currently the number one location for film production in continental Europe, adding that Budapest’s geographical and film industry characteristics could make it “an excellent new hub” for East-West film industry relations.

The delegation from the China Film Administration visited the NFI’s Film Archives and Film Laboratory as well as the institute’s studios in Fót, on the outskirts of the capital.


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