74 result(s) for biscuit
Damien O’Kane, President, Irish Hungarian Business Circle
- 9 Jun 2021 4:24 PM
Damien is a rugby fan and keen golfer who came to live in Budapest, with his wife Sharon, to take up a post with Avis Budget Group (ABG) as Senior Director Financial Services.
Beautiful Is Beautiful Exhibition
- 22 Feb 2021 2:00 PM
- contemporary
"What’s beautiful is beautiful. Because the ordinary can be like a painting, the everyday like poetry, reality like a fairytale.
The things that, in normal life, tend to get mislaid, roll away and go missing, live a fleeting existence. They are transient yet familiar, though we rarely give them a second thought at special moments (except, perhaps, for birthday candles). If they are not there, ...
Expat Explainer: St Lucy's Day On 13 December
- 3 Dec 2020 10:14 AM
- specials
Named after the Christian virgin, St. Lucy's day (Luca napja, also Lucia or Luca’s day) is rich in customs and traditions in Hungary.
Nutritional Advice During A Covid-19 Infection By Dr. Rose Private Hospital
- 2 Dec 2020 11:55 AM
- specials
Although there is no ‘magical’ diet that can protect us from a coronavirus infection, here we would like to show what is safe and what isn’t, how to handle food properly, and what to eat if we have caught the virus but would like to reduce the symptoms and their duration.
Hungarian Wine Guide: Small Is Very Beautiful In Somló Region
- 7 Jul 2020 1:19 PM
- https://bbj.hu/
- food & drink
BBJ columnist Robert Smyth’s tour around Hungary’s wine regions this issue takes us to the smallest of the lot, found in Veszprém County, northwest Hungary: Somló.
Coronavirus: Apparent Panic Buying Seen In Budapest Shops
- 27 Feb 2020 11:01 AM
- http://www.hatc.hu
- shopping
Not only have inhabitants of quarantined Western European cities begun emptying the supermarkets, but a Budapest shopper has also found empty shelves.
Business Lunch @ Párisi Passage Café & Brasserie Budapest
- 14 Feb 2020 7:19 AM
- specials
Indulge in a delectable and appetising meal at our mesmerising restaurant, Párisi Passage Café & Brasserie. Enjoy lunch at our architectural gem, Párisi Udvar.
Hungarian Biscuit Industry Joins Global Boom
- 30 Jul 2019 8:39 AM
- https://bbj.hu/
- food & drink
With an estimated 4% increase in turnover this year, the 28,000-tonnes domestic biscuit market has joined the international "biscuit express", with the global biscuit market expanding by about 5% annually, the Association of Hungarian Confectionary Manufacturers says.
'Ball Of Hungarian Wines', Corinthia Hotel, 16 February
- 14 Feb 2019 6:18 AM
- specials
2019 will be the fourteenth year when this magnificent celebration of fine wine will be held in the Hungarian capital The organisers wrote to us saying, "The event aims to introduce top quality Hungarian wines in an appropriate environment for exclusive guests."
Damien O’Kane, President, Irish Hungarian Business Circle
- 9 Jun 2021 4:24 PM
Damien is a rugby fan and keen golfer who came to live in Budapest, with his wife Sharon, to take up a post with Avis Budget Group (ABG) as Senior Director Financial Services.
Beautiful Is Beautiful Exhibition
- 22 Feb 2021 2:00 PM
- contemporary
"What’s beautiful is beautiful. Because the ordinary can be like a painting, the everyday like poetry, reality like a fairytale.
The things that, in normal life, tend to get mislaid, roll away and go missing, live a fleeting existence. They are transient yet familiar, though we rarely give them a second thought at special moments (except, perhaps, for birthday candles). If they are not there, ...
Expat Explainer: St Lucy's Day On 13 December
- 3 Dec 2020 10:14 AM
- specials
Named after the Christian virgin, St. Lucy's day (Luca napja, also Lucia or Luca’s day) is rich in customs and traditions in Hungary.
Nutritional Advice During A Covid-19 Infection By Dr. Rose Private Hospital
- 2 Dec 2020 11:55 AM
- specials
Although there is no ‘magical’ diet that can protect us from a coronavirus infection, here we would like to show what is safe and what isn’t, how to handle food properly, and what to eat if we have caught the virus but would like to reduce the symptoms and their duration.
Hungarian Wine Guide: Small Is Very Beautiful In Somló Region
- 7 Jul 2020 1:19 PM
- https://bbj.hu/
- food & drink
BBJ columnist Robert Smyth’s tour around Hungary’s wine regions this issue takes us to the smallest of the lot, found in Veszprém County, northwest Hungary: Somló.
Coronavirus: Apparent Panic Buying Seen In Budapest Shops
- 27 Feb 2020 11:01 AM
- http://www.hatc.hu
- shopping
Not only have inhabitants of quarantined Western European cities begun emptying the supermarkets, but a Budapest shopper has also found empty shelves.
Business Lunch @ Párisi Passage Café & Brasserie Budapest
- 14 Feb 2020 7:19 AM
- specials
Indulge in a delectable and appetising meal at our mesmerising restaurant, Párisi Passage Café & Brasserie. Enjoy lunch at our architectural gem, Párisi Udvar.
Hungarian Biscuit Industry Joins Global Boom
- 30 Jul 2019 8:39 AM
- https://bbj.hu/
- food & drink
With an estimated 4% increase in turnover this year, the 28,000-tonnes domestic biscuit market has joined the international "biscuit express", with the global biscuit market expanding by about 5% annually, the Association of Hungarian Confectionary Manufacturers says.
'Ball Of Hungarian Wines', Corinthia Hotel, 16 February
- 14 Feb 2019 6:18 AM
- specials
2019 will be the fourteenth year when this magnificent celebration of fine wine will be held in the Hungarian capital The organisers wrote to us saying, "The event aims to introduce top quality Hungarian wines in an appropriate environment for exclusive guests."