'Living Folk Art', National Folk Art Exhibition, Hungarian Heritage House


'Living Folk Art', National Folk Art Exhibition, Hungarian Heritage House
The creative force stemming from Hungarian folk art is demonstrated by the fact that exhibition halls of several hundred square meters are filled with newly manufactured, high-quality pieces every five years over the last half decade.

This illustrates that creative desire and efforts across all fields of folk art is simply everlasting. Authors have a say in our modern world as well; their creations may be used across all fields of life in the 21st century.

Nothing illustrates this better than the grandiose exhibition held at the Budapest Palace of Art (Műcsarnok) in 2018, titled Kéz-Mű-Remek (Amazing Handicraft), where viewers could enjoy 3500 pieces from almost 500 artists across 2500 square meters.

Three years later, the 17th annual Live Folk Art Exhibition offers all the latest artwork, as pieces displayed three years ago were excluded from this event.

On display until 24 August.
Place: Hungarian Heritage House
Address: 1011 Budapest, Corvin tér 8.
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