Verse, Song, Melody, Poetry of Central Europe, Fonó Budapest, 17 August


Verse, Song, Melody, Poetry of Central Europe, Fonó Budapest, 17 August
The Fonó Literatúra series brings folk poetry and the works of contemporary poets together with well-known actors and outstanding musicians.

The readings and recitations leave room for spontaneity, allow us to muse on how contemporary ‘the old’ can be and inspire us to discover ways to make tradition live on in the 21st century. We’ll preserve the old, make new rites and ritual based on the old, and see how contemporary grows out of tradition.

Two actors merge this evening with a musician and a dancer. Actors Törőcsik Franciska and Vecsei H. Miklós, musician Szirtes Edina 'Mókus' and dancer Berecz István will perform together on the same stage for the first time.

Songs, folk song texts, original songs and the works of contemporary Hungarian poets merge in a new way, with plenty of spontaneity, personal thought, real conversation and creative work together, in the moment.

Series director Seres Tamás creates unique performances on the Fonó’s stage working with outstanding invited guests.
Place: Fonó Budapest
Address: 1113 Budapest, Sztregova utca 3.
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