Szegedi Kortárs Balett Lear, National Dance Theatre Budapest, 22 March
- 22 Mar 2025 7:00 PM
- National Dance Theatre

Although Lear has "king" in its title, it’s not one of the classic history plays. It's more like a self-liquidating family tragedy.
"No one willever write a better tragedy than Lear”, this is how George Bernard Shaw, the eternal second after Shakespeare on the English-language stages, paid tribute to his great predecessor. And it seems very likely that "King Lear will be considered Shakespeare's greatest work for some time to come because in none of his tragedies can you hear in such detail about the concerns and problems of the modern world as in this one." (R. A. Foakes)
"No one willever write a better tragedy than Lear”, this is how George Bernard Shaw, the eternal second after Shakespeare on the English-language stages, paid tribute to his great predecessor. And it seems very likely that "King Lear will be considered Shakespeare's greatest work for some time to come because in none of his tragedies can you hear in such detail about the concerns and problems of the modern world as in this one." (R. A. Foakes)
Place: National Dance Theatre
Address: 1024 Budapest, Kis Rókus u. 16-20.
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