'Timeless Expressions', Museum of Ethnography, Until 1 August

  • 28 Jul 2010 1:00 AM
'Timeless Expressions', Museum of Ethnography, Until 1 August
"Alvar Aalto established the international reputation of Finnish architecture by being the creator of buildings which blend into the environment and which live and breathe together with their surroundings. He is the architect of functional, harmonic, and sun-lit spaces on a human scale. The exhibition displays the homes from Aalto’s oeuvre which express his unique ideas most clearly. The family homes clearly illustrate the way in which Aalto’s architectural theories evolved between 1920 and 1970.

The material of the present exhibition consists of models, photos and documents selected from the Alvar Aalto Museum’s collection. The display also showcases Aalto’s industrial design workmanship and the timeless functionality of his characteristic furniture.

The exhibition was organized with the cooperation of Finnagora, the Centre for Finnish Culture, Science and Economy; the Alvar Aalto Museum, the Ethnography Museum in Budapest, the Kölcsey Centre in Debrecen and the cities of Jyväskylä and Debrecen.

Architect Severi Blomstedt, the Director of the Finnish Museum of Architecture, and architect Heikki Lonka, the Director of the Finnish Consulting Group, will give a lecture on 20 May at 2 PM, in room 105 at the Museum of Ethnography at the exhibition opening seminar."

Source: Museum of Ethnography

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