Fewer Hungarians Tune In To Radio Every Day

  • 18 Jul 2019 11:22 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Fewer Hungarians Tune In To Radio Every Day
The percentage of Hungarians over the age of 14 who listen to the radio every day fell to 37 percent in 2018 from 42 percent in 2017, a survey by the National Media and Infocommunications Authority (NMHH) shows.

The percentage of regular radio listeners who tune in to their favourite stations for three or more hours a day increased to 38 percent from 31 percent during the period. Seven in ten Hungarians listened to the radio occasionally last year, down from three-fourths in 2017.

The survey suggests there are about 6 million radio listeners over the age of 14 in Hungary, NMHH said. Almost half of listeners tune in to music stations, while just one in ten likes talk radio.

As we wrote on June, a new survey shows that around 80% of parents are concerned about their children’s online safety, and around 50% of them experience great anxiety about their kids’ online activity.

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