Investigation Launched by Police Into Foreign Funding for Márki-Zay's MMM Concerning Several Hundred Million Forints

  • 28 Sep 2022 9:40 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Investigation Launched by Police Into Foreign Funding for Márki-Zay's MMM Concerning Several Hundred Million Forints
Hungarian police have started an investigation into foreign funding that Péter Márki-Zay’s Mindenki Magyarországa Mozgalom (MMM) received last summer, according to the daily Magyar Nemzet.

Citing the National Police Headquarters (ORFK), the newspaper said on Tuesday that a private individual had filed a complaint with the Budapest public prosecutor, and police investigators have started an investigation against “an unidentified suspect on suspicion of embezzlement and money laundering”.

Márki-Zay, the one-time opposition candidate for prime minister, said in a podcast at the end of August that in mid-June last year MMM had received several hundred million forints from people in the United States. Action for Democracy sent the amount in a single transfer, he added.

Márki-Zay insists that MMM — Everyone’s Hungary Movement — is not subject to party financing rules since it is not a party, and the US money was not spent on the election campaign, the paper said.

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