Danube Embankment in Budapest Confirmed to Be Car-Free Again at Weekends

  • 14 Mar 2025 9:01 AM
Danube Embankment in Budapest Confirmed to Be Car-Free Again at Weekends
Like in past years, the lower Danube embankment road on the Pest side of the capital city will be opened to pedestrians, bicyclists and users of scooters and roller skates every weekend this summer, the mayor of Budapest said.

Gergely Karacsony said in a post on Facebook that the road's full width will be free of cars and lorries from spring to autumn every weekend between March 15 and October 26 and during public holidays.

At the same time, the viaduct next to the Jane Haining embankment and several other sections along the river bank may be renovated starting this year or in 2026, he said.

The central section of the embankment will be fully opened to pedestrians from June 21, after the end of the school year, until mid-August, when preparations will begin for the August 20 national holiday.

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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