Interview 2: Mark Milstein - Photographer
- 21 May 2012 12:00 PM

Click here to read his first interview
Two children, a menagerie of pets, Northfoto opened larger offices in Romania, I founded another photo related company.
2. On a scale of 1 to 10 how happy are you with your life in Hungary, and why?
This all depends on what day of the week it is. Some days a 10, some days a three. A lot has to do with business, what's going on in the world of photography and media, and how stressful my commute is....
3. What’s the best party you’ve been to while in Hungary, and why?
The anniversary bash thrown in 2003 by Franck Rynart at their now closed warehouse facility on the M1, which featured helicopter taxis for guests, Nancy and Frank Sinatra Jr. and some incredible guests.
4. What’s your favourite drink?
Cranberry juice. The fridge is rarely without it.
5. What hidden talents do you have?
I can actually cook. Believe it or not!
6. What was the most interesting travel trip you have ever taken?
Family trip? Turks and Caicos Islands. Business trip? Afghanistan during the Taliban takeover.
7. If you were given a wish that could come true, what would you ask for?
Good health and success for my family.
8. What’s the last book you read, and movie you watched?
Book: Tom Friedman's "The World Is Flat" Film: 21 Jump Street
9. If someone wrote a biography about you, what would the title be?
Never A Dull Moment
10. What is the perfect pizza toppings combination for you?
Pepperoni and cheese
11. If you could trade places with any other person for a week, real or fictional, with whom would it be?
Russian photographer Yevgeny Khaldei (while he was still alive)
12. On a scale of 1 to 10 how unusual are you, and why?
8+ I have lived more lives and enjoyed more second chances than anyone has a right to.
13. What’s the best website you’ve ever visited, and why?
The New York Times It just keeps on getting better and better. Read this website each day and know the world.
14. Who do you admire the most, and why?
Anyone who can turn a dream into reality.
15. What do you like best and least about living in Hungary?
I love the fact that Hungary is still a green field for business (despite all the recent problems), and I dislike the fact that there is still so much negativism among its citizens.
16. What has made the biggest impact on your life so far, and why?
Education and the extraordinary attention lavished upon me by two fantastic teachers who mentored me during me during my undergraduate years. Without them, I would be nowhere.
17. If you won USD 30 million, what would you do with the money?
Put most of it away in the bank, and then invest some into funding research to learn why Ben & Jerry's ice cream has a near narcotic effect on brains like mine :)
18. If your life had a theme song, what would it be?
A Hard Day's Night
19. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose?
Venice or New York
20. In ten years from now what will you be doing?
Hopefully doing something that makes me happy