Coming Up: St Martin’s Day Festival, Vajdahunyad Castle Budapest

  • 28 Oct 2013 8:00 AM
Coming Up: St Martin’s Day Festival, Vajdahunyad Castle Budapest
This all-day annual festival in Budapest's downtown Castle is an enjoyable event for adults and kids alike. St Martin’s Day (the day of Martin of Tours, in Hungarian Marton Nap) is a Goose & Wine themed cultural festival at Vajdahunyad Castle, the home of the Hungarian Agricultural Museum with many children activities.

The Hungarian Márton Day Events feature goose food tasting, trying new wines, enjoying folk dance shows and folk concerts, performances by professional groups or by children, etc. In the Castle of Vajdahunyad in Budapest there is also a nice little St Martin’s Day Artisan Fair where you can buy some nice souvenirs, handcrafts, home made produces, Hungarian new wines, etc.

St Martin’s Day is officially on 11 November, and the festival usually takes place some time on or around Nov 11, depending on the weekend days as the festival is set for a Saturday or a Sunday to include children attending schools, and parents working on weekdays more easily.

Source: Vajdahunyad Castle Budapest

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