Jobbik Lashes Out At Gay Olympics In Budapest

  • 28 Jun 2012 1:40 AM
Jobbik Lashes Out At Gay Olympics In Budapest
The EuroGames which began in Budapest on Wednesday – also known as the Gay Olympics – are an open provocation, the local chapter of Jobbik declared. The far-right party asked the athletes to take part in just one event, “to run home.” Budapest chapter head Pál Losonczy told reporters that he hopes the event is “the last legacy of the Demszky era”. The five-day sporting event began amid tight security measures.

Losonczy also said he could not understand why the gathering is taking place in Budapest, as 90% of the participants are foreigners. He said he fears that Budapest “has been selected as the homosexual centre of Eastern Europe,” because there is no willingness in neighbouring countries to host such an event.

A far-right website has posted an article called “The Hunting Season Opens,” publishing the names and photographs of several organisers, the venues of the events and the hotels where athletes are staying.

The EuroGames continue until Sunday at the Dürlin Centre in the 14th District.

Source: Hungary Around the Clock

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