PM Orbán On Ad Tax, Immigration, Merkel

  • 5 Feb 2015 2:00 AM
PM Orbán On Ad Tax, Immigration, Merkel
Answering a question about the advertisement tax, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said that the government was ready to find a solution to the problem of companies that filed a complaint with the European Commission, on condition that the planned tax revenues should be realised in full.

On the subject of immigration, Orbán said that European rules governing economic immigrants were “much too slack, unreasonable and inviting cheat”. He also said that an overall European strategy was not in the pipeline, therefore “we will have to do whatever we can”.

Referring to German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s recent visit to Budapest, Orbán said that economic ties between Hungary and Germany were “unprecedentedly successful”, adding that both Merkel and himself were committed to maintaining or increasing that level of cooperation.


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MTI photo: Illyés Tibor

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