Orbán Meets Tusk, Calls For Migrant Policy Of Self-Defence

  • 14 Sep 2016 9:00 AM
Orbán Meets Tusk, Calls For Migrant Policy Of Self-Defence
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán pressed for a migrant policy focussing on self-defence during talks he had with European Council President Donald Tusk in Budapest on Tuesday, the head of the prime minister’s press office said.

Orbán and Tusk met in the parliament building to make preparations for the Bratislava EU summit scheduled for Friday, and exchange views primarily on the migrant crisis, Bertalan Havasi said.

The prime minister urged the European Union to revise its migrant policy which he said should focus on self-defence in the future.

Republished with permission of Hungary Matters, MTI’s daily newsletter.

MTI photo: Botár Gergely

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