Coronavirus: Cases Rise To 2583, With 280 Deaths In Hungary

  • 27 Apr 2020 8:09 AM
Coronavirus: Cases Rise To 2583, With 280 Deaths In Hungary
The number of confirmed people infected with the coronavirus in Hungary now stands at 2,583. The number of deaths stands at 280, while the number of those recovered now stands at 498.

931 patients are hospitalized, 52 of them are on ventilators.

Due to the increase in the number of patients, hospitals across the country are increasing their bed capacity in preparation for the phase of mass illness. By the next phase, hospitals will have to have 39,500 beds ready for COVID-19 patients, or 60 percent of their bed capacity.

Hungary is now in the phase of cluster infections, when the virus spreads via social interaction. The disease can therefore be present anywhere. It’s vital for everyone to stay home and observe the recommendations and movement restrictions, especially elderly people, students and those who have returned from abroad.

The citizens of Budapest are especially asked to abide by the restrictions, as the capital has the highest number of infected.

As the data on the deceased has shown, the coronavirus is the most dangerous for the elderly. Elderly citizens are therefore especially asked to stay at home and request help from their relatives or the municipality with shopping. 

Recovered: 498
Patients treated in hospital: 931
On respiratory machine: 52
In mandatory home quarantine: 9,829


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