Number of Women Execs at Successful Hungarian Companies On the Rise

  • 16 Oct 2024 6:52 AM
Number of Women Execs at Successful Hungarian Companies On the Rise
The number of successful Hungarian businesses headed by women is on the rise, Laszlo Hunyadi, the deputy state secretary for business development at the National Economy Ministry, said at a conference hosted by the Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BKIK) in Budapest.

Addressing the conference on women executives' role in businesses' success, Hunyadi noted that around 247,000 companies were owned by women and 81,000 were managed exclusively by women in Hungary.

Agnes Szuromi-Kovacs, who founded the WILL Foundation for Women Leaders, called for targeted measures to support a more representative presence of women on boards.

Research by the foundation, supported by BKIK and Budapest Airport, show women accounted for just 12pc of membership on corporate boards in 2023, while data from 2024 show women make up only 6pc of CEOs.

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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