Gala Concert Of 100 Member Gipsy Orchestra, Budapest, 30 December
- 19 Dec 2014 9:45 AM

The worldwide unique “Hundre Member” Gipsy Orchestra was founded in 1985. Those establishing the Orchestra aimed to unite the best of the famous musician dynasties and to ensure a place and workshop for them, their offspring and other talented young musicians.
Saving the traditions of Gipsy and Hungarian folk music, the survival of classical folk music through performing it within the repertoire are among the main goals of the Orchestra. These outstanding musicians and first violins, thanks to their high qualification and the everlasting beauty of Gipsy music.
Next to the repertoire of Gipsy and Hungarian music, they offer popular pieces of the notables of international classical music as well. With its art, the Orchestra is hoping to build a bridge between minority and majority, undertaking its own differences, saving their values to enrich the colorful palette of European culture.
With their music the Orchestra finds its way to the very hearts of their audience at all times and all places. enrich the colorful palette of European culture.
100 Member Gipsy Orchestra
The formation of the Hungarian Heritage Prize winner 100 Member Gipsy Orchestra thirty years ago was inspired by a tragic event. All of the country’s Gipsy musicians gathered for the funeral of the outstanding “primas king” (gipsy soloist) Sándor Járóka Sr., and played on the ceremony.
The idea of a grand concert orchestra, to fill the remaining artistic and intellectual gap, was born. The founders – László Berki, Tivadar Mészáros, Lajos Boross - , following a months’ long preparation, officially established the “Budapest Gipsy Band Cultural Association” on November 2nd, 1985. Later, among the musicians and audience, the 100 Member Gipsy Orchestra name was used.
The Orchestra debuted within the Budapest Spring Festival on March 22, 1986 at the same place of today’s concert, the Patria hall of the Budapest Congress Center. The premiere was recognized by both the Hungarian and international professional audience. The 100 Member Gipsy Orchestra began its way to world fame becoming the gift of the Gods for the people.
Date: December 30, 2014
Venue: Budapest Congress Center
Address: 1124 Budapest, Jagelló str. 1–3.
Opening: 6 pm
6.15 pm – 6.45 pm Wine-tasting and folk dance show
7 pm Concert, Part 1
8 pm interval
8.20 pm Concert, Part 2
Menu & Wines
Price List
Ground floor
– at 8 personed round table with dinner: 99 EUR
– at 6 personed table with wine tasting & salty snacks: 61 EUR
– 1st–4th row with wine-tasting: 48 EUR
– 5th–9th row with wine-tasting: 41 EUR
Source: Argos Art
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