Hungary Only EU Country to Run Ukrainian-Language Schools

  • 14 Mar 2025 6:51 AM
Hungary Only EU Country to Run Ukrainian-Language Schools
Amid all the international criticism levelled at Hungary since the start of the war and accusations of "an anti-Ukraine policy", it is little appreciated that Hungary is the only European Union member state that has established and runs Ukrainian-language schools for refugee children living here, an official of the foreign ministry said.

The Hungarian government always considered it natural that "we must help the country afflicted by conflict", Levente Magyar said at an international conference organised by the Hungarian Interchurch Aid concerning Hungary's aid activities.

"So we immediately opened the Hungary-Ukraine border and 13 million crossings have been registered, while many tens of thousands of Ukrainians have decided to stay here," he added.

He said the Hungarian foreign minister personally took aid shipments to Ukraine two days after the Russian attack and assessed how Hungary could help. Magyar added that he personally visited Ukraine twelve times, including four visits to Kiyv.

Magyar added that Hungary has also extended medical aid to wounded soldiers and to children who have arrived "in the hundreds", while one thousand Ukrainians each year have been offered scholarships to study at Hungarian universities.

He expressed hope that the war would end soon and added that Hungary would not neglect Ukrainians who needed help, even after the war ends.

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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