Jobbik To Fine Lawmakers For Staying Away From 2/3 Votes
- 5 Mar 2015 8:00 AM

The leftist opposition Socialists, Együtt and Democratic Coalition (DK) criticised Jobbik MP István Apáti for not participating in Tuesday’s votes and thus helping a cardinal law to pass. Jobbik in this way assisted the ruling parties, the parties insisted.
Jobbik leader Gábor Vona rejected accusations of collaborating with Fidesz. “Jobbik’s primary aim is to oust Fidesz and the failed elites of the past 25 years.
Any unethical cooperation with other parties is out of the question,” he said. Jobbik spokesman Ádám Mirkóczki said earlier that Apáti had stayed with his family on Tuesday after receiving death threats.
Vona said Apáti had his sympathies but opposition lawmakers had a “deep responsibility” since Fidesz’s two-thirds majority in parliament had melted. Apáti was fined 100,000 forints (325 euros).
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MTI photo: Nagy Lajos
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