ATENOR Designs Buildings According To Access4you Criteria
- 1 Aug 2019 11:59 AM

ATENOR is the first developer that designs its projects together with the rehabilitation engineers supported by Access4you so that the buildings and their surroundings will be free of obstacles in every aspect and will offer possibilities, solutions for access that make everyday life easier for SPI people and help them to develop a complete lifestyle and a daily working routine.
“To obtain the highest available qualification, the Gold Grade Accessible Site, we hired Access4you for advisory services during the design process, who audit the locations and issues a European certified trademark”, says Zoltán Borbély, Country Director of ATENOR Hungary.
“From the beginning, we consider it our task to take responsibility for the environment, so we create sustainable buildings receiving Excellent certification, which is the highest qualification in BREEAM.
We were the first green office building developer in Hungary and we have been working on synchronizing our projects with the ecological requirements since. Beside environmental protection, we have already put another, very crucial factor in the focus of our developments – social responsibility.
That is why we decided that we are going to be the first developer, not only nationally but globally, who designs all of its buildings according to the requirements of the evaluation system that includes 500 aspects and was created according to the needs of 8 SPI target groups by Access4you”, added Zoltán Borbély.
Access4you gives authenticated information about accessibility in different real estate segments (businesses-customer areas, event locations, restaurants, hotels, shopping centres, office buildings, etc.). Its auditing process certifies the accessibility of locations, evaluates them according to 4 categories (basic, bronze, silver, gold) and issues a European certified trademark.
Its database, which can be searched and filtered, gives access to the information obtained during the audit for everyone. Its rehabilitation specialized engineers can join the design process of a new building on demand so that the Access4you evaluation system can be present right on the design table.
“As a person with special needs, it is good to see how ATENOR thinks. Already during the designing process, they pay attention to people with special needs and so then their property developments could be usable and liveable for everyone, and their ambition is to do this on the highest level”, says Balázs Berecz, founder and director of Access4you.
Beside the professional cooperation, Access4you mediates its clients’ commitment to the special needs of these groups.
They consider deaf and hard-of-hearing people, blind and partially-sighted people, people without cognitive abilities, people in a wheelchair or restricted in their mobility, elderly and people with pushchairs as people with special needs.
The technical and marketing communicational service of Access4you provides information about accessibility in different segments on a universal, international level. It is a member of ENAT (European Network for Accessible Tourism).
The number of ATENOR projects under development is 28 and represents a portfolio of approximately 1,215,000 m², from which 232,000 m2 are developed in Hungary. The projects are located in Brussels, in Wallonia and Flanders (Belgium), in Luxembourg, in the Paris Region (France), in Düsseldorf (Germany), in Warsaw (Poland), in Lisbon (Portugal), Budapest (Hungary) and in Bucharest (Romania).
ATENOR is a real estate development company quoted on Euronext Brussels. Through our urban planning and architectural approach, we aim to provide appropriate responses to the new requirements being imposed by developments in urban and professional life. Within this framework, ATENOR invests in large scale property projects meeting strict criteria in terms of location, economic efficiency and respect for the environment