Companies Linked to Opposition MEP Should Pay Back 'EU Funds Won Illegitimately', Says Fidesz
- 30 Jul 2021 10:13 AM
- Hungary Matters

Ruling Fidesz on Wednesday called on the companies owned by the family of Katalin Cseh, an MEP of the opposition Momentum Movement, to pay back European Union funding that Fidesz maintains was obtained illegitimately.
Fidesz communications director István Hollik accused the family’s company of using EU funding “to develop software they’d had for a long time; they simply pocketed EU money.”
Hollik accused Cseh’s family of “hypocrisy”.
“While Cseh’s party was campaigning at full-tilt against [Budapest hosting] the Olympics, the companies in her family won Olympics-related tenders,” he said.
MTI Photo: Koszticsák Szilárd