Hungarian Cheese Gains Popularity In Near East

  • 7 Feb 2012 8:00 AM
Hungarian Cheese Gains Popularity In Near East
"New food production plants boost animal husbandry; they increase farmers' confidence in the fact that it is worthwhile to invest and to establish modern, livestock farming facilities" – announced Minister for Rural Development Sándor Fazekas in Hajdúböszörmény at a ceremony to place the foundation stone of Wassim Cheese Ltd's new production hall, in the presence of ambassadors from ten Arab countries.

Wassim Cheese Ltd, which belongs to Riad Naboulsi, a Hungarian businessman of Lebanese descent, won a HUF 425 million grant from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) towards a project costing around HUF 850 million.

The company is enlarging its plant with a new, 1700 square metre production hall, fitted with the latest wastewater pre-treatment equipment. The Hajdúböszörmény cheese plant is of strategic importance for local agricultural producers, farmers' cooperatives and milk producers; the new production hall will mean new jobs and livelihoods for 100 people and their families. The new facilities, which will be completed by mid 2013, will produce 1500-200 tonnes of cheese each year.

Sándor Fazekas pointed out: good cheese can only be made from good quality milk. Cattle bred in Hungary produce exceptional milk yields, thanks also to the expertise and careful attention of farmers. Farmers with a vested interest in production will become the trusted partners of the new plant, meaning business and farmers mutually provide each other's long-term cooperation.

"The agricultural administration supports all initiatives that broaden markets for healthy and safe Hungarian foods processed to high quality, both at home and abroad" – said the Minister. The Hajdúböszörmény business is highly successful at promoting and distributing its products in the Near East too, so now various types of Hungarian cheese are popular foods in Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the Arab Emirates, and several other Arab countries.

(Press Office of the Ministry of Rural Development)

Photo: Ernő Horváth


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