Hungarian Media Council Ordered By Court To Release Letter To U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary Of State

  • 29 Feb 2012 8:00 AM
Hungarian Media Council Ordered By Court To Release Letter To U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary Of State
"The Capital Court yesterday ordered the National Media and Communication Authority (NMHH) to make public a letter of last August from president Annamária Szalai to US deputy assistant secretary of state Thomas Melia.

The Civil Liberties Union (TASZ) asked for the release of the letter to Melia but the NMHH refused, arguing that the contents constituted personal data of Szalai.

The Court rejected that argument, stating that the data of a person who proceeds on behalf of public bodies is of public interest.

The NMHH released the letter. In it, Szalai claimed that Melia’s report on the media law to the foreign affairs committee of the US House of Representatives contained a number of wrong or inaccurate observations.

Melia had criticised a number of measures adopted by the Hungarian government and governing parties in late July."

Source: Hungary Around the Clock

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