Hungarians Divided On Schmitt Case

  • 8 Mar 2012 8:03 AM
Hungarians Divided On Schmitt Case
"A slim majority of Hungarians think that President Pál Schmitt ought to resign because of the accusations of plagiarism related to his doctoral thesis, according to a late January survey by Medián.

In all, 41% of those interviewed said he should step down, 38% said Schmitt should stay and 21% did not provide a clear answer.

Only 13% of Fidesz supporters favour his departure.

The matter is a serious issue for Hungary, 44% of respondents said, while 25% considered it very serious.

A five member fact-finding commission is investigating the accusation and is to file a report by March 28.

The poll was conducted January 20-24 on a sample of 1,200 adults in more than 100 municipalities."

Source: Hungary Around the Clock

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