Budapest to Host First World Athletics Ultimate Championship in 2026

  • 4 Jun 2024 8:47 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Budapest to Host First World Athletics Ultimate Championship in 2026
Budapest will host as an inaugural city the first World Athletics Ultimate Championship in September 2026, Sebastian Coe, the president of World Athletics, announced in Budapest.

The capital will welcome nearly 400 of the world’s top athletes from around 70 countries at the ground-breaking new global championship event, he said.

By launching the ultimate championship, WA aimed to organise a global athletics event that is watched around the world every two years between world championships, Coe said.

Budapest has been selected to be the inaugural city of the event after it hosted the most successful World Athletics Championships in history last year, he added.

The World Athletics Ultimate Championship offering a total prize of 10 million dollars will be held from Sept 11 to 13.

Click here to learn more about this event

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