New Waste Management Regulations In Hungary
- 4 Jan 2013 8:00 AM

When collecting mixed waste, public services must make at least two sizes of bins available to property owners. Bins may only be kept on public property while awaiting emptying.
No packaging materials may be sold which include a total heavy metal concentration that exceeds 0.01 percent by weight. This regulation does not apply to lead crystal packaging materials, or to glass used for packaging that is made out of glass tiles, providing that no heavy metals were added during the production process.
Excluding minimum amounts of packaging, manufacturers are obliged to accept all returned packaging materials. 55 percent of waster packaging materials must be reused as similar materials. Distributors are also obliged to accept returned packaging materials if the size of their shops exceeds 500 square metres.
Manufacturers are not only obliged to receive waste electric and electronic products that they produce, but also goods produced by other manufacturers if such products are similar to those produced by the receiver with regard to character and function. Manufacturers are also obliged to receive goods offered by distributors, and to bear the handling costs. This year, the ratio of recycling for large household appliances, small appliances and IT equipment is 75, 50 and 65 percent, respectively.
When selling new or used cars, manufacturers and distributors must in all cases inform the buyer of where and under what conditions it may be returned if the car becomes waste. Cars that have been removed from circulation or the owners of which wish to remove form circulation are regarded as waste.
Manufacturers and distributors must establish a return network which is available at a maximum of 50 kilometres from anywhere by road. The return site may be the car dealership's site of operations, but also a wrecking yard or other place that deals with such issues professionally. However, cars may only be disassembled by wrecking yards.
If the wrecking yard can make use of parts from the car, it shall be obliged to pay for the car. The regulations state only that the price should conform to the market price. The manufacturer shall also be obliged to accept returned batteries. Manufacturers must establish special return sites, the density of which must be in proportion to the population of the settlement.
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